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This is a game called Archaland made by me.

What you need:

 Here are the directions of the game.

  1. First print this page out
  2. Then cut out the tokens. (the orange and blue circles)
  3. You take two tokens and your partner takes to tokens. This is like your money. Put the extras aside, this is your bank.

How to play:

Place your item in the green circle which is in the box. the red circle is you endpoint or destination. You have to roll a 1 or a 6 to start, then roll another number to tell how many spaces you move. You and your friend take turns.  If you or your friend lands on a blue star, take one token from the bank. If you land on the sea green square you have to lose one turn. If you land on the pink hexagon you have to take one token away.


The objective of the game is to get at least 6 tokens and get to the endpoint. You may have to take more than one round. If so all you do is instead of placing your item on the red circle place it on the green.

Now you know the rules! 


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