Scribbleplace news


Hey Everyone!

It's been a while since I have been working on Scribbleplace, but I assure you that your favorite site will be edited and developed further :). Some new things I've added are glitter text for the titles of the pages (i.e. stories, poems). If you have any suggestions, contact me!

Also, be sure to participate in this year's Creative Writing contest! Everyone is allowed to participate, and it can be on anything you would like! As some of you may remember, last year I edited and published a book that contained a collection of stories submitted by students who go to Aim4A. This years book will be somewhat like that. It will be really cool, and I'll have the details for the contest posted up soon.

I'll be back soon with more updates, but until then be sure to contact me with your creative writing pieces as well as suggestions for improvements on Scribbleplace!



Check It Out!

So you probably already know about the stories on scribbleplace, right? But have you checked out the sweet knew ones posted? OMG great stories like Incanto! by Areeba Haider and The Game Of Earth by Archana Sohmshetty have been posted and you have got to check them out!

I frequently want to add more and more stories so you people out there can have some awesome entertainment. One way everyone an enjoy stories is by sending some of your stories to me. I'll put them up ASAP and try to add your name to the 'contributers' page. It's like a no story left behind policy! Any genre, any type, send them to scribbleplace!

Have fun exploring scribbleplace, and hope to see you again!



Amazing Updates!

Have you seen the new updates in fun pages? New games have been added, and so have something scribbleplace has never had before! Now we have the latest music videos in a section in Fun Pages. Be sure to check it out and get some slammin' music!

Not only that, the scribbleplace team has added a brand new column called 'Essays'. Check this out too! It has Informational, Persuasive, and Essays using topics. Also, if you check out informational essays, you can sometimes even find tips for writing. If you click the Essays using topics, you can get topics for quick writes and examples for them.

If you have any requests for tips, essays, or music videos, feel free to contact us!

Have a great time exploring new features of scribbleplace!



Want your own website?

A lot of people contacted me asking for a website. They asked how much it costs. Here is some information about it.

There are two types of websites Scribbleplace offers. Something linked to Scribbleplace (Such as and having your own domain name (Such as For something linked to Scribbleplace, your main page costs 25 cents, while each additional page costs 10 cents. The webpage(s) will be linked to somewhere in scribbleplace of your choice. If you want your own domain name, it costs $3.00 a month. Any questions can be answered by the contact me form or by email.

Hope to hear from some of you!



Fun Page Extravaganza!

The Chat Room - There is now a chat room where you and your friends can chat! You can either register to get a username and password (which is really simple), or you can login as a guest (you don't have as many choices of a nickname this way). This is located in the Fun Pages.

New games are being added to Scribbleplace! Check the Fun Games section to find them!

Do you want to the creators of scribbleplace to add something that you want? Well, The Contact Us form is the place to start!



What is Scribbleplace Subsrciption?

Subscribing allows you to edit and create your own website. Your name will be put into the Contributers list. Subscribing will allow you to add your own stories and poems, and games and any othe stuff you might think is awsome.

More Member Information

On the home page we give you information on how to sign up. Right here we will explain some benefits of signing up.

  • You can edit your own website!
  • You can use html or not
  • More activities to particiate in
  • Spends your time wisely

This website is made by kids, and for kids!

I hope you like Scribbleplace and I hope it inspires you to create your own website, because a kid can do alot!