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Prepunzul was a sweet little child everyone wanted. Her mom and dad told her she was as pretty as a dove. Prepunzul Liked the compliments and liked her fans. But she did not like the wicked witch at the end of the street.

One day Prepunzul got to know that her birthday was two days away. Her mom and dad sent invitations to everybody in town except for the wicked old witch at the end of town. When it was time for preasents Prepunzul was about to open her first gift when the wicked witch burst in to the house and said,

"Oh how dare you do not invite m to your 10th birthday party! I never got to see you in my life! I never thought you would be so rude! And so crude! And Prepunzul your parents are saying bye to you!" Said the witch. And with that she took Prepunzul in her arms and carried her to her house. the witch tied Prepunzul up and took her belongings into the car. then she took Prepunzul and pushed her into the backseat and they drove of.

When the car stopped Prepunzul was asleep. Who would not get tired after so much crying? Yes! thought the witch. She put Prepunzul in a wheel chair and took her to the tallest tower in the world. The witch took the elevator up to the top and took Prepunzul to the farthest room. She threw her in the room and locked it up. the the witch went down the elevator and stepped out.

"Now I will get my revenge!" said the wicked witch laughing out loud,"Ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaa!" Prepunzul woke up after sometime. Where am I? She thought.Oh my! Maybe the witch locked me in a tower!!!

After years and years Prepunzul thought of a plan to escape. That is it! she said. Prepunzul was 15 years old. Prepunzul grabbed sizzors and cut her hair.Of course her hair had grown a good 50 feet so rupunzul thought she could go down all the way. She tied the hair to a chair and started to climb down.she made is down but there was a pond with alligators in it!

before Prepunzul was about to give up she saw  a log! She ran to the log and started to walk down. "What are you DOING!!!!" screamed the witch. This frightened Prepunzul so she hurried. She passed the log the rushing river and came to the woods. There she found a hiding place in a hollow of a tree. She sat there quietly. Then she heard screams of the old wicked witch. But the witch stopped right in front of beautiful Prepunzul.

Prepunzul held her breath. The old witch sat down. After 5 minutes which seamed like hours the wicked witch stood up and headed back home. When the witch was fully out of site PRepunzul got out of the hollow. After she brushed herself off, she heard a little voice, "Hey! why do you come in to my house you giant!" Said the little voice. Prepunzul was afraid and she turned around. It was a little almost sqished squirrel. Prepunzul started crying.

"Oh do not be afraid of me!" sid the little squirrel. Prepunzul looked up and wiped her tears. Then she started crying away. "Wait a minute! You are the beautiful Prepunzul I have heard about! I will do anything to make you stop crying!" Said the little squirrel with tiny tears in his eyes. Prepunzul managed to say,"The wicked witch took me away when I was 10! Now I escaped and I want to go back home!" "Hmmm.. I know where your house is! I think I do, Just follow me!" said the little squirrel. Prepunzul followed the squirrel back to her house.But Prepunzul Reconized her pArents and thanked the squirrel and ran into the parents arms.

the witch was killled by one of the solders so the whole family lived happily ever after.

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