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   "Anna is this years basketball champion!" The announcer shouted into the mike, voice blurry. Was it really me? I wondered.... I stood up, my legs automatically felt like jelly as I strode up to take my trophy. I was so awestruck, I tripped over a cable, and almost fell. But, I didn't care what the audience thought, nor did I think what the announcer thought. I didn't even care that it gave me a jerk. I just continued walking, until I felt the shiny trophy in my hands. "Do you have an exceptance speech, Anna?" HE asked.

   That's all I remember. As great as that moment was, I can't remember what had happened next. But, those words still echoed in my mind "Anna! Anna! Anna!"... I held up that basket ball (Which had a gold coating that didn't peel off, like most basketballs did), with my name ingraved on it. It was the trophy, that was an actual basketball! I pulled my thick black hair out of my face, and stood up. Grabbing the ball, I ran outside into our privet court.

   After taking at least 20 shots, I started getting frustrated. All my shots were either bouncing off the rim or just skinning the net. To get all my anger out, I chucked the ball with all my might at the rim. I agree it was a really dumb thing to do, but I was so angry, It felt like I had no choice at all. My black hair was waving in my face as I reached out for the ball. Before my fingertips could even skin the ball, the ball went sailing past me with extreme speed! As shocked as I was, I saw it sail past our pond (luckly)and into a tree hollow.

"That is strange, I never realised that that was there...." I thought to myself as I raced toward it. I peered in. I saw my ball, rolling deeper and deeper into the hole. Desprate to get my ball back, I crawled after it, turning back after crawling 3 feet. But, to my confusion, the entrance was closing up! I was so startled, I fell through some black space, hoping that was the way my ball was going. When I fell, I struggled to my feet and looked, but I couldn't see my ball anywhere. I looked around to see the surroundings I was dealing with. I wasn't home anymore, that was for sure.

   There were valleys and hills, ponds and lakes, and houses and buildings in the background of the most beautiful thing I had seen. It was a crystal blue pond, shimmering brightly in the broad daylight.

"Greetings!" Said a voice, as I spinned around.In front of me stood a creature with wings, barefoot, with a beautiful light blue gown. Her cheeks were flushed with red and her eyes had a speacial shimmer to it. It took one look at her magnificent wings, and gasped.

"Wh-Who are you?" I stammered.

"I am Rose, fairy of the Saphire Pond," She said with a sweet voice and a gentle smile. Then, she took one quick look at my hands and said, "Oh my! What bruises you have! Come, follow me!"

"Um... Where am I?" I said, not willing to take a step in either direction. The fairy gasped. All the pink in her cheeks quickly went away, and she had gotten serious. "So, you're from the lower world," she said, taking a quick glance at me. "Do as I say, and hurry! We must get you to my healing pond fast!"

Together, we rushed up some rocks, until we reached a misty area. We took a seet on a flat rock, and as the mist cleared, I saw a purple pond sitting infront of us.

"Ahhh... Here we are!" Rose continued, "Dip your hand in the water!" Obaying her request, I gently lowered my hand into the cool, refreashing water. Instantly, the big gash I had on my hand that I got when I fell through the tree trunk, was instantly gone!

"How... Why... Like... I mean..." I stammered, staring at my moist hand. "Don't be afraid! It's my healing pond!" Rose said, " You will need to be refreashed! So, You don't know where you are. You're in Savara, a magical land, in your case," She said, easing her way to a flat, tilted rock. Her face expression turned scared, angry, and sad at the same time. "Once you get here, there is only one way out. You have to ask permission from the Goblin king to leave through the Krystal Kave. The king will give you a ticket, and then you may leave this world. But, I say don't take my word for it."

"The goblin king? That sounds creepy! But before we go, I need to get back my basketball! Did yous ee it? It has a gold covering and it says Anna Shet! Oh please help me find it!" I cried. "A ball, you say? There is only one place where it could have been-the taveran," Rose concluded. "The Taveran?" I asked, dumbfounded by her words. "The Taveran is the place where all the items from the lower world go. We could get your 'basketball' as you say from there, but I don't know the way. My friend Nicole does though!" Rose squealed.

Rose and I started walking. We walked through a valley, filled with lush green grass, with the most amazing horses I have ever seen. Seeing how awestruck I was, Rose cared to explain. "They must not have these in the Lower World. In my books, I have heard that your world has not many magical creatures, as you call it. I would have known more if I had more encounters with you humans. But, you are my first human I have ever seen!" Rose said cheerfully, staring at me inside and out. "Yes, and this is my first encounter with you people too" I said, just to comfort her.

For the rest of the walk, we talked about our many adventures, and I told Rose about myself. "Oh! Wow! You humans can be interesting! But anyway, here we are!" Rose gleefully smiled and strode up to a house with a stable next to it. "This is Nicole's house." Nicole had already arrived at the door, seeing her friend. They embraced, and Rose filled her in with all the info on me and what we need.

"Can you get 3 Peguses?" I heard Rose say. "Peguses?" I exclaimed. "Oh, you know. Haven't you heard of a Pegus?" Rose sighed. "They are like flying horses in your world. One of them are called a Pegus, and multiple of them are called Peguses," Nicole said, "I studied them for 28 years!"

After that short discussion, Nicole got 3 Peguses from the stable, and flew over. "I don't think I can go," Rose finally said. "What! But you have to!" I pleaded. "But... I have to... What about my pond?" She lowered her head. "You're coming, and that is final!" I blurted and convinced her.

Soon, we mounted our Peguses, and started our journey to the Taveran.

After that, we rescued my ball, got permission from the king, and I had made it home.


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